The best golf travel advice for the first-timers

Don’t be naive on your first golf trip to Europe. There are a number of ways you can fool people into thinking you do this all the time! We’ve come up with some great advice from what to pack to how to play. If you’ve never considered visiting Europe for a golf holiday, then here’s hoping we can convince you to do so.

Pack according to some sound research

First on your preparation list is packing. But before you do, log onto the internet and do some research about the town or city you’ll be visiting. What’s the weather like this time of year? What are some of the activities you are likely to take part in? Is there a dress code on some of the golf courses you’ll be playing on? Ask these questions and others before you get your suitcase out.

Practice before you leave

Many of the European golf courses you are likely to visit are designed with unexpected challenges. Find out what these challenges are and practice your skills accordingly. Wide greens will call for accurate putting. Lots of bunkers should prompt you to prepare by practicing your bunker play. Narrow fairways will test your aim while wider fairways will demand strategic thinking. Get clued about the course and make sure you are prepared for its challenges.

Take some maps along with you

Golf course maps are a great way to study a course before playing it. Studying them also gives you something to do during your flight! Take these along on your trip and take a glance whenever you get some free time. You will that continuous study of these maps cultivates a strong sense of strategy—and puts you way ahead of your competitors.

Be courteous to local golfers

Some of the locals can become a tad resentful when they see tourists. That’s because they generalise due to one or two experiences they had heard of or had themselves. Change their perception by being courteous and friendly on the golf course. If they are ahead of you and playing slower than you do, be patient and wait. If they are behind you wanting you to hurry up, offer to wait while they pass you. A little courtesy will go a long way in helping you enjoy your time more.

Become well acquainted with the best golf courses in the world

Don’t make the mistake of going to Europe simply for the sake of bragging rights. “Hey, I played this course and that course...” So what? Go for the sake of becoming intimately familiar with the subtleties of the best golf courses available on the planet. Play them for the challenge and be sure to play them over and over again if you want to become a better golfer. This should be your main goal in embarking on a golf trip. By the time you come back, you want your new skills to show. Leave the bragging to how you play after such an experience.

Practice while you are on holiday

See if you can stay close to a driving range while on holiday. Your golf trip is going to be a lot more fun if you are on top of your golf game. The best way to do this is to practice while you are on your golf trip. Why interrupt your practicing regiment simply because you’re playing more? Your games will highlight your shortcomings. Tend to them immediately and test your new skills while you still have the time and luxury to do so.