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“Congratulations on your new Website, this is a great information tool and I am sure it will be well visited, the Melbourne 2005 Deaflympic Games is delighted to be featured and have a link set up.

Recently the Netherlands Deaf Sports Association sent two representatives to Melbourne for a sports and hotel inspection, prior to the Deaflympic Games in January 2005.
Mr Henk van Hardeveld, Chairman of Netherlands’ Melbourne 2005 Deaflympics Project and Mr Marlen Koning, Chef de Mission of Netherlands Deaflympics Team arrived into Melbourne on Saturday, 15th November 2003, on Melbourne’s 6th hottest day during November for the last 150 years, with a temperature of 39.1 deg!!
David Peters, Melbourne Deaflympic Games Group Manager of Sports and Venues, met them at the airport and provided them with assistance during their stay in Melbourne.

The Netherlands is planning to send at strong team of athletes and officials to Melbourne and they were very impressed with the facilities we will be using and the lovely Cities of Melbourne and Ballarat.
Mr van Hardeveld and Mr Koning met with some representatives from Melbourne based - Association of Netherlands Societies in Victoria and Consulate of the Netherlands. They have indicated they will support the Netherlands Deaflympics team when they are here for the Melbourne 2005 Deaflympics.

We look forward to welcoming the team in January and we hope they receive plenty of ‘Orange’ support in the crowds.”


Patricia Tracey
Chief Executive Officer
Melbourne 2005 Deaflympic Games Ltd